So my roommate M has a group of dancers that he works with and they asked me to do a photo shoot for them, mostly promo stuff for their website. We went out into the city and around where V lives and they were goofy and fun and just being themselves so that's what I wanted the images to come out as. Fun and goofy and I had fun shooting and editing them. Let me know what you think.
FINALLY!!! After moving out to Oakland, getting myself situated , buying the wrong upgrade and then buying the right upgrade for photoshop and then having to upgrade my operating system, finally I have some new images to share. These particular ones are of a wonderful girl named Becca. You may be seeing more of her in the future. Also I have a couple more shoots that I need to edit and those will be up very shortly.
I took these the first couple of weeks that I was here. I forgot about the film for a bit and just picked it up today. Busy busy busy. But I like a few of the shots from this roll. Gotta keep making more.
Before I left Boston I took some portraits of my roomies whom I miss dearly. One of them did not come out so great but I didn't want to leave anyone out. Also I got to celebrate my 25th birthday here in Berkeley, CA and Gaba's mom made me a cake!! She is so nice and it was delicious:)
Let's go fly a kite! I went to the Berkeley marina with Gaba the other day and it was beautiful. There were a ton of people flying kites and walking/running around. It was a great day.